Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Lights Go Up...

Edit: Because this is a rather cheap cinema, it is run by one lone and overworked slave to the reel (i.e. me). And now, as you all shuffle out, I follow you with by broom and dustpan, shouting and grumbling about the 'kids, these days.' My shouting has come in the form of my slightly nonsensical comments which have been spread liberally across the blogs of those who attended the Wednesday screening of Cinema Y. Or, in other, less obscure, words: I think I've made my obligatory ten comments. But despite this, one's work is never done as I may have shouted at a few of Cinema X’s patrons (it sounds as though they were seeing something saucy, does it not?), so I'll try and make a few more comments, just to cover myself!

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